Kabbadi, Gili Danda, Jallikatta (Kabaddī, Gillī Dandā, Jallīkattū) Jharoo/Teel Jharoo/Eerkali Chool (Jhādū//Teel Jhādū/Eerkali Chool) Jagran/Kirtan/Bhajan (Jāgaran∙/kīrtan/bhajan) Jagannath/Juggernaut (Jagannāth/juggernaut) Izzat/Sharam/Honour Killing (Izzat/śaram) Jhuggi, Jhopri, Slum, Chawl (Jhuggī, jhōpD∙i, slum, cāl)Ĭhapter 4: Intimacies: Culture and material cultureĭanda/Lathi/Lathi Charge (Dandā/Lāthī/Lāt∙Hī Charge) Mantra, Tantra, Yantra (Mantra, Tantra, Yantra)Ĭhapter 2: Contemporary aesthetic modes: ReimaginingsĬhapter 3: Economic mantras, media and technological change Diacritic Characters Based on the Indic SyllabaryĬonversations: forms of the unpredictableĬhapter 1: Classical heritages: Databases of memory